Ambiente fair in Frankfurt closed with a great success of visitors for the Saturnia stand, scheduled until 30 January 2024 at the Messe Frankfurt.
Ambiente is the largest global exhibition dedicated to consumer goods and sector, attracting on average over 136,000 industry experts, 57% from outside Germany. Many of the visitors came from the European Union, but a high percentage of visitors from China, U.S.A. and South Korea were also present.
Visitors expressed great enthusiasm towards the new collections presented, such as the Olive and Party collections, but also with the new innovative shapes, with a purely contemporary style, of the dishes from the new Giotto Collection. But the greatest appreciation was certainly expressed for Saturnia's commitment to the environmental sustainability of production, a commitment guaranteed by the CERTIFICATION ESG-SDGs Rating: 2022© with current rating AA-.
For this reason, in the stand we have symbolically displayed some processing waste which will be reused in specific production lines to create new products composed of a percentage of recycled material from waste, without in any way affecting the high quality but aiming at an objective of complete environmental sustainability also in a sector as complex as ours.
Saturnia Porcellane - Origins and Culture of Made in Italy - since1966